ICL Surgery in Delhi is Revolutionizing Vision Correction

An Implantable Collamer lens (ICL) procedure is the latest surgical procedure used for enhancing vision with artificial lenses. Delhi, known for its world-class medical facilities, has witnessed a sudden surge in the popularity of ICL surgery. With an increasing people’s demand for alternatives to glasses and contact lenses, The Healing Touch Eye Centre embraced this advanced surgical procedure called ICL Surgery in Delhi . our experienced and skilled ophthalmic surgeons are using state-of-the-art technology to ensure precision and optimal outcomes for our patients. What is ICL Surgery During the procedure, the biocompatible lenses are sized, measured and positioned between the coloured iris and its lens, directly behind the iris. Most often, an ICL surgery is used to cure moderate to severe myopia, often referred to as astigmatism, farsightedness, or nearsightedness. This surgery does not involve the removal of the natural lens, but th...