Different Types of Tests You Need to Pass Before Undergoing Lasik Surgery
What is Lasik Surgery? LASIK Surgery is one of the most efficient surgical procedures. Used in recent years to cure a variety of eye problems and flaws. LASIK, also known as laser in-situ keratomileusis. Is the abbreviation for this procedure. This approach is particularly effective for people. Who struggle with near-sightedness. Farsightedness, or maybe astigmatism. One of the most recent advancements in Lasik technology is the use of contoura sight. Which combines the use of cutting-edge mapping technology. To provide a highly customised treatment plan for each patient. Different Types of Tests You Need to Pass Before Undergoing Lasik Surgery in Delhi. Types of Tests You Need to Pass Before Undergoing surgery: Before having LASIK surgery. You might need to take a number of examinations. These examinations are done to evaluate your candidature for the surgery. And the condition of your eyes. You might need to go through the following tests: Eye exam – This is a commo...