Does Black Fungus Harm your Eyesight? Know all Details

Black fungus has come up with the latest manifestations, and so people are already worried whether it is affecting their eyesight or not. Blurred or double vision, with pain, fever, and thrombosis skin lesions, is common signs of Mucormycosis. The critical situation must consider supervision by an eye specialist in Janakpuri . Signs of eyes getting affected The common symptoms of black fungus infection include dryness of the inner walls of the nose. Besides, it can cause nasal congestion. You will see that the eyes become swollen and redness of the eyes is common as well. You can notice headaches. Always keep a watch on the symptoms. It’s worth noting that Mucormycosis prove to be dangerous and, when left untreated, can cause mutilating damage to the eyes. There may be a partial or complete loss of vision that can also increase the chances of brain infection. The chances of the infection are more for those on medication or who have underlying health problems. They have a reduced ...